I’ve got a Discord!

By Kane Driscol

I thought I’d wait longer to actually set one up, but I got impatient.

Over the past year, I have absolutely loved getting to connect with members in the community over on YouTube and getting to talk about ICRPG. I always try to respond to comments and I love hearing everyone’s thoughts whenever I drop a video. But I want to do more.

I’ve always wanted Kane’s Kiln to be a resource more than anything else. A place to discuss the game, learn from each other, and better implement all the wonderful techniques ICRPG has provide. The Discord is just one more place to do that.

I want to make it unique and do different things than what you might find on the official Runehammer server or the open ICRPG Community server. I’ve got plans and ideas. We’ve started doing bi-weekly workshops. We’re even using the fancy new features Discord offers to see if they could work for us.

So if you’re interested in joining, I hope to see you there. If not, no worries! I’ll catch you on YouTube!

Kane’s Kiln

I'm a day-to-day Game Master and I'm here to play, have fun, and share anything I can to help others in this great hobby!

Let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything ICRPG-related. Always happy to assist another lumpy-head!